- Graduate of the University of Massachusetts Boston, Biology Major, Bachelors Degree
- Attended Merrimack College from 1971 to 1973, Biology Major , BSc program
- Northeastern University Building Technology Program, Certificate of Professional Achievement. 3.7 GPA
Work History
- Civil Engineering Surveying
- Residential Construction
- Solar Energy Contracting
- Mechanical Consulting Engineering/ HVAC, Plumbing and Fire Supression
- Energy Manager - Multi Family Residential
- Facilities Consulting - Multi Family Residential
- Demand Side Management Energy Engineer
Past Memberships
- New England Solar Energy Association
- American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
- Association of Energy Engineers
- Building Ownners and Managers Institute
Current Memberships
- Greenpeace
- New England Wind
- NativeEnergy
- Solar Fenway
- Fenway CDC
Current Interests
- Lots of Sports
- Web Surfing
- Alternative Energy Events
- UMASS Boston Sustainabilty Club and Students for Socially Responsible Impacts
- University of Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust (UMRET) Member of the Drafting Committee.
- Committee on the Environment, COTE, Boston Society of Architects
- Green Round Table Events
- E- Newsletter FGG Massachusetts (Flannery's Green Guide).
- Massachusetts Affiliate USGBC future member.